Auto loans bad credit is made for those borrowers who have a bad credit score. Any sort of bad credit scorers can apply for these loans. It includes Defaulters, Arrear holders, Having CCJ or IVA, those who have filed bankruptcy and so on.
Generally, credit score is the financial estimate of borrowers' credit value. If it is 580 or below that, then it is judged as a bad credit score. Usually, a credit score is evaluated on the basis of following points:
- Payment history
- Unpaid amount
- Duration of credit history
- New credit
- The sort of the used credit.
Based on the borrowers' credit score, the loan amount as well as repayment period is decided. So, it is better to check the present credit score before availing loans. In such cases, borrowers can take help of various credit rating agencies.
Auto loans bad credit is available both in secured as well as unsecured forms. To avail loans through the secured way, borrowers need to pledge a security. Oppositely, unsecured option does not claim any security against the lending amount.
A borrower can apply for these loans to buy any sort of vehicles. Since, these loans are offered to bad credit scorers; eventually the interest rates of these loans are higher than the loans offered to borrowers without bad credit history. But making some down payment will favor you in availing such loans at affordable interest rates. Besides if you research for a better deal online and check with various agencies it would be helpful.
Carney Alden is a Masters in Accounting and Financial Management from