Review Credit Report Before Applying for Auto Loan
Credit problems may not prevent you from obtaining a loan; however, any credit problems may justify an increase in interest rate. Good credit applicants should check their report for errors. Creditors make mistakes. Unfortunately, their mistakes may cost you thousands of dollars when financing an automobile.
Moreover, if you have credit problems, attempt to improve credit history. This includes maintaining a current standing with creditors, paying bills on time, and reducing your debt to income ratio. Improving your credit takes time and effort – be patient.
Apply for an Auto Loan with a Down Payment
Having a down payment is great for lowering monthly payments, and receiving a low interest rate. While down payments are not required, this may help a bad credit applicant obtain a car loan with less hassle. Because auto loan lenders consider bad credit applicants a high risk, they charge huge fees and percentages. To avoid some of these fees, have at least $1,000 or 10% for a down payment.
Apply Through an Auto Loan Broker
You can obtain financing for an auto loan from the dealership, banks, and other financial institutions. Good credit applicants have several options. However, if you have bad credit it may be beneficial to apply through a broker. Auto loan brokers have access to various loans. Thus, they are able to get your approved. In addition to working with traditional auto lenders, brokers have relationships with sub prime lenders. Sub prime lenders specialize in "less than perfect credit" loans.
After completing an online application, brokers will contact you with multiple quotes from various lenders within an hour. You should carefully review and compare quotes, and select the auto loan lender with the best financing package. The next step involves submitting an official application to complete the process.
Here are our recommended Auto Finance Companies online.
Carrie Reeder is the owner of ABC Loan Guide, an informational website about various types of loans.