First, you have the option of going to a non conventional lender if you do have something on your credit that is at least 6 months old and you have never been late on. This can be a credit card, another vehicle, your house, or anything else of significance. This could even be your last vehicle that you paid off. Whatever it is as long as it is 6 months old you can get an auto loan from lenders that are not banks, but do loans for those with not so good of credit.
Second, you can try your bank if you have some extra security. You will need to have either a 401k, investment account, retirement account, or certificate of deposit that you can put up for collateral as well as the vehicle. Banks do not like to lend to those that have poor credit and prefer to work with only good credit candidates, but if you have a good sized investment account or retirement account that can be used as collateral, along with the vehicle they will be willing to work with you.
Last, you can always get a poor credit auto loan from a buy here pay here lot. These are mostly crappy cars that are not worth what you will pay for them, but there are some good lots out there that work with good cars. Just make sure you get some sort of warranty, even if you have to buy it yourself, carry full coverage insurance, and get the vehicle checked out by your own mechanic before you buy it. This will protect you from getting a bad vehicle and will keep you from ending up with a lawn ornament in a few months.
Do you need a vehicle today? You can get the Poor Credit Auto Loan that you need in a hurry. Find out how here:
Poor Credit Auto Loan
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