Saturday, May 24, 2008

What To Expect With Poor Credit Auto Loans

If your credit is currently not in the best of shape and the family car goes belly up, chances are you will have to settle for one of the poor credit auto loans available today. While it is great that there are lenders willing to extend funds for a car loan to people with bad credit, it is important to remember that a few factors may be slightly different from more conventional loans. Here are a couple of things to keep in mind if you need a bad credit car loan.

First, you can forget about commanding any kind of competitive interest rate on the loan. Essentially, your current credit rating has placed you in a high-risk category. This means that the rate of interest available to people with good to excellent credit simply will not be offered. This is understandable, since the lender is assuming a greater risk of default, based on the credit rating. Even if you shop around a bit, you will not find any high risk lender who will match the interest rate you would get with good credit. Accept that as reality, get the best rate you can, and just see if as one more step toward getting your credit back on track.

Next, poor credit auto loans sometimes have a couple of differences in the written terms and conditions than in more standard contracts. Again, this is because the lender is assuming a greater degree of risk by extending loans to individuals with bad credit. For example, you may be committed to a shorter grace period after the due date, or the lender may have broader powers when it comes to calling the loan due and seizing the collateral named in the agreement. Read the terms and conditions carefully, and make sure you always comply with every word.

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