It is very important to understand how your credit history affects the auto loan rates that you are able to qualify for, since not understanding the process can cost you significant amounts of money over the life of a typical car loan. So here is an explanation of how you can get the best auto loan rates by knowing all you can about your credit history. Let's start out by understanding how your credit history is compiled.
There are three major credit bureaus that collect and store information about all of your credit purchases. They are Equifax, Experience, and Trans Union. Whenever you borrow money to buy something they are informed by your lenders on a regular basis about how much you borrowed and how diligent you have been on paying back that amount in the form of your monthly payments. All of this data is received by those three companies and stored in massive databases where it is packaged into an overall credit report, which is also called your credit history.
Auto Net Financial specializes in bad credit auto loans and special finance options for automotive consumers with less than perfect credit. Our nationwide network of car dealers offers bad credit car loan programs designed especially for auto, car and truck buyers with credit problems, no credit, or unique sub prime auto loan requirements. Auto Net Financial helps you pre qualify for bad credit auto loans, a bad credit car or truck loan, or a special finance auto loan regardless of your credit problems or automotive financing loan payment history.
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