The banks who disburse these loans prefer that your bank account has an auto debit facility which helps them to directly transfer the money into your account. In case if you are buying a new vehicle you can make a down payment for 25%-50% of the cost of the vehicle and the rest of the money will be provided to you by your lender. While in case of buying an old vehicle almost the entire cost is covered with you making a down payment of only 10%-15% of the cost of the vehicle.
These loans are both secured and unsecured. In case of the secured loans you have to pledge collateral as securities while the unsecured loans does not require any collateral to be pledged. The rate of interest for the unsecured loans can be anything from 6%-8%. The period of repayment for auto loans bad credit can be anything between 2-4 years depending on the amount of the loan. The principal amount of the loan usually varies from $50,000 to $75,000 but it can go even higher than that if you have a good credit history in the past and if the creditor finds that you have a sound repayment plan.
The best way to apply for auto loans bad credit is the online mode of application which takes only a few minutes to complete. But you should always be careful before giving away the Social Security Number. In case the lenders ask for the number, which means that they will do a credit check on your name. If after that your application is not approved then you will loose your credit score which is the last thing that you want. You should also ask the lenders for the loan quotes so that you can choose the best deal for yourself.
Collin Hings is a creative writer and gives advice timely in many finance related issues. To know more about Auto Financing, Online Car Credit Center, Online Auto Loan Application, Bad Credit Auto Financing. You can visit http://www.webautofinance.com